
Tuesday, February 18, 2003

[Jonathan, 7:01 PM]
I was relieved the other day to find out that all hope is not lost. For a while, I had been doing better than the people on Jeopardy. Granted, it was the teen competition, but still... Now, while I am no simpleton, I am nowhere near the ranks of Myron Meyer or Ben Sternberg (don't worry, I looked those up). My faith has not been shaken, though.

I realize a million different factors affect their performance, and that if I were up there, some of them would have lower scores, some of them would answer questions before me... but surely you've done it from time to time. Anyway, after that eerie week of success, I am glad to proclaim that I finished Double Jeopardy with a score of something along the lines of -$10,000.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

[Jonathan, 7:57 PM]
This site clearly doesn't have difficulty attracting the attention of innocent bystanders...

I wish I had something useful to say. Unfortunately, though, my life is not filled with exciting and new things.

Here's something mundane:

Maybe it's because I'm the kind of person who needs constant reassurance, but one thing that always makes me happy is when they pick my headlines in Optimist. It's all very silly, and they're all corny anyway, but - hey - whatever floats your boat, huh?

I've always preferred buoyancy, personally.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

[Jonathan, 7:22 PM]
Good god, someone say something.

Friday, February 07, 2003

[Jonathan, 11:25 PM]
I have finished Jennifer Government, the record will show.

It's good, in a you've-proved-your-point sort of way.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

[Jonathan, 9:59 PM]
I'll make a quick post now, and then you can go back to my brother's witty, insightful, and socially-minded posts.

Our school is doing a production of Much Ado About Nothing, and tryouts were Tuesday and Wednesday. Being one of the any guys that tried out Wednesday, I got called back. I thought I did all right, and I heard she was going to put me in this pretty small part, but I didn't mind, because it was pretty cool. Now, though... it's... I don't know. I think she put me in this different, bigger part because she was desperate. Very interesting...

Here is where I stroke my imaginary beard, scribble something in my notebook, and charge you two hundred and fifty dollars.

Monday, February 03, 2003

[Jonathan, 11:24 PM]
Wow... fifty people... and a link from How Appealing. That's cool. And all thanks to William's, you know, having thoughts and all that.

It's all almost enough to make me wish I had opinions.

[Jonathan, 6:01 PM]
Typing in "Baudes blog" (with quotes) brings the suggestion that perhaps you mean "Bau des blog."

This does not turn up any results either.


Searching for one's last name is always an adventure. The search 'Baude blog' (without quotes) gets William's website first, and then the site www.legalmind.org, which is the blog of someone who - I'm assuming - has many thoughts on... legal... things. This includes the thought that the idea of a national license to practice law is a good one (which Dad discussed in his Fuchs lecture).

The rest of the results are all either references to Baudes we don't know or are those sites that Google always turns up that seem to have no purpose other than turning up on Google.


WWW baude.blogspot.com

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